jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

Unit 3, Lesson 2, EX Direction

BOOKSTORE (Bancomer-Libreria santa teresa)
go to the corner of Sonora Av. and 3ra.Este street

go to the corner of juares Av. and 5ta.Este Street

NEWSSTAND (Super del norte-Benavides)
go to the corner of juarez Av. and 5ta. Este street and turn right.

BANK (Prque juarez-Banamex) 
go to the corner of juarez Av. 6ta este street

POST PFFICE (Centro de salud- Correos)
go to the corner of obregon Av. 2da este street

RESTAURANT (Banamex-Buffalo) 
go to the corner of juarez Av. and 7ma este street

PHARMACY (Super del norte.Benavides)
go to the corner of juarez Av. 5ta este street

Unit 3, Lesson 1, vocabulary

SUPER DEL NORTE   (supermarket)

it's across the street from fotografias
it's around the corner from laboratorio tagles
it's down the street from buffalos
it's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the bank


it's across the street from banqueta
it's down the street from TUFESA

it'sit's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the house


it's across the street from coopel
it's around the corner from tienda de arreglos
it's down tha street from the bank
it's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the telcel

VIDEO CITY (video store)

it's across the street  from peluqueria
it's around the corner from car wash
it's down the street from similar
it's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the school

SAN CARLOS (toy store)

it's across the street from tienda de los qaset
it's around the corner from sensación
it's down the street from the bank

it's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the taqueria

CALZAPATO (shoe store)

it's across the street from mireya
it's around the corner from cindicato
it's down the street from movistar

it's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the papeleria

COMANDANCIA (police estation)

it's across the street from schoool
it's around the corner from hospital
it's down the street mina

it's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the telegrafo

BOMBERA (fire station)

it's  across the street from sensación
it's around the corner from cananea vieja
it's down the street from comandancia

it's on the left west-east
it's on the right east- west
it's next to the rios peña


it's across the street from paris salon
it's down the street from parque juarez
it's around the corner from dulceria la plaza
it's on the left South- North
it's on the right North- South


it's acoss the street from movies plus
it's down the street from farolito
it's around the corner from sushi nolly
it's on the left North- South
it's on the right South. North